From the moment I was done with the previous blog , I was wondering and was giving a lot of thought about what do I blog next about . But this play of my mind was put to an end, and the end turned out to be real tragic one .

This Paragraph of mine is now exclusively offered to those people who got to know Jobss’ Stanford speech only after his passing away . I Very strongly feel that, you guys will be finding it very toughly ironic when you go through the third combination of dots which Mr Jobs tries connecting at his speech . He then did quote Death as “ Life's change agent “ , and now in very much less than a decade , the agent hit on Jobs .
Now , The passing away of Jobs is proving to be a very strong catalyst to the Nobel Processes of enlightening a few more minds with the words of his . So glad I am part of the process.
As I consider mentioning about the first two combination of dots which Jobs explained , I sense a mild feel of déjà vu and I thought I could share it with you . A yes , it is done now .

The first combination of dots related more to his early personal life . this combination is not so inspiring but for the optimists who believe in destiny , it is all ok .
When I opened Facebook this morning , All that I could caught my eyes are “RIP Steve Jobs.” And yes , he sure dose deserve this respect in the form of this death becoming trendy ,but actually in sad ways, he couldn’t manage taking his iPhone along , so there is no chance he could enjoy its fruit.
The most Nobel part of what I am intending to convey is , just try figuring out what this big man has said . And I would love to make my own quotations summarizing it
“It is all about connecting the dots and you can never succeed, forming an admirable pattern with those dots of the past , until you look on to them properly”.
-Aadithya Chandrasekaran