The Mother Earth has had the acquaintance of both growth and development. And the growth here doesn't refer to the GDP. And the actual reference is made to the growing population of species of you and me. There has always been thoughts expressing the idea of ‘ Growth is Good ‘ . And, those minds which breaded that thought, will sense serious contradiction in this post.
But my thoughts though , is very sensible this time . It reflects the differences between a cancer and a six pack abs. The latter’s growth will make the person hotter , while the former could prove to be fatal.The World’s carcinoma is on the high , as the ever topwerd marching graph of the population hit the 7 billion mark today.
All that the audience can do is , spread awareness among the others and wear a condom while going on a ride. The latter has only one way unless the 3 way has been part of the foreplay. But the former has its own different wings.
One such wing was spread today as India Symbolized, Nargis, a baby girl born today as at UP as the 7 Billionth living soul. This served a different cause by marching against a concept of female infanticide. This concept was practiced in various other nations aswel
And here is what the health minister of the country had to say
"It's not a matter of joy but a great worry. We shouldn't be celebrating the birth of the seventh billionth child. India has 2.4% of the global landmass and around 18% of the global population. For us, a matter of joy will be when our population stabilizes.”
-Ghulam Nabi Azad , Minister of Health and Family Welfare of India
And here is what I have to say
“ What I would love seeing is , these paths leading to a cliff of breakthrough , which would help in saving the society and our moral respect from becoming a pray of the Darkmark”
-Aadithya Chandrasekaran , just another passionate citizen of India