We did keep the lanes quite Busy !!
A bright Sunday day light ± the tale end of a semester, given these, what on earth would a single and happy college guy do ,? Probable every sane dude would hangout with fellow mates and add one more fun filled weekend to he's O11 diaries ( which he actually never writes, that was just a figure of speech.... )but who cares? It all good as long as the guy had some fun.....
Even I would have followed all those sane dude blueprints , if it had been any other weekend ... matter of fact , I would have had more fun than the buddy above mentioned.
But that day I ended up in a completely different place...I ended up in a 15 Km religious march .... this would sound so lame to many drumheads and a few others..But to be honest it was not a thing of any such sort ...in all the people who walked along the lane, I could séance the passion and love which they had for their beloved. Baba
There where songs , dance. culture , love and not to leave , food , a lot of people and me . The best part was the kids who joined the party .. they were all pumped up holding banners which they barely managed to hold to without falling down .. as the march made its way through dusk ..things got better as fire works made their first appearance . add to it the acquaintance of the beat of the drums .. which made a lot of young feet move which totally includes my pair aswell
I consider my self so blessed to have been one among the 300+ souls who walked the lane for about 5 hours with cops on either sides.