Monday, December 24, 2012

Reflection , or a Shadow

          Our perceptions take shapes and that almost makes us. It is like an architect who frames all makings from inside. Meanwhile, on the outside, there are things that actually matter. They are called actions and they reflect the inside happenings. It is this inside-out cycle that widens our scope to higher realms, and  from in there, the humble seeker would witness a square that is comprised of all worthy creativity that his inside could possibly hold on to.

          But sadly, this mere knowledge dose not helps us to meet reasonable ends. Even an old passage from the Basics of Survival can correlate merrily to this idea. That would be the melting point to the originality of this thinking. It is the followed by some tedious and ironic social norms. Doubts arise and reality is questioned. It never halts until we reach zero strength.

          So , where is room for Real growth ? well….It is reachable only when we accept creativity and enforce some nourishment to the inside. And eventually the good sources will show up.