Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Cat That Never Crossed.

"There are many plays of uncertainty and chance in all lives. Great knowledge is when we embrace it all."

      Life constantly presents uncertainty .  The people who push will either reach  destined significance or they end up with grief  . Is the entire ball inside the ways of chance ? No one can know. And there are these other set , they start , but never push hard . What's on offer  for them ? It is either A life of regret or the pleasures of security. Again Chance puts up a very good show . It keeps us interested.

     Today I saw a cat trying to cross the road . The task was almost over before a vehicle came on its way. That cat was not a pusher from my eyes . It backed off immediately without completing what it had started. It could have let the vehicle pass , and then move forward. It chose not to.  'A safe playing pussey' I guess . It is all perceptions  and choices in the end after all . No one but Chance can know what else could have happened.