If there was any space to accommodate declarations , I would
have put up a note in there , which would convey that this post was all about my
life and the glue that keeps it together and
it had no negotiations involving Nicholas Spark or Adam
To live a lollypop of a life , the wise might suggest that we need to kick-up and push those asses forward rather than waiting on for the greatest of things to happen by itself. If I was awake then , I would interrupt the philosopher and tell him that his say might be true , but , only to an extent , and never always.
"Ideas are tasteless without the sausage of reasons ."
-Aadithya Chandrasekaran
Thus i present my column here ,
Like many other people , I believe that there's nothing more
terrible than losing a loved one . A staunch reason which makes a back-up is the demoting
fact that the aftermath would hold one back , despite the desperate attempts
made to get over the shit hole and move on .

PS : Barath , there anit any words at my disposal to explain how much i love you , but , you know me , I might be cranky at times . So deal with it . And.....God Bless you Big Man!